Tanja Quenzer

My diplom thesis : "On the Perception of Paradox Motion in Flies" I did at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biological Cybernetiks in Tübingen. The last years I have been working at the University Eye-Hospital in Tübingen with M. Fahle looking at visual evoked potentials in humans to find electrophysiological correlates of parallel processing and figure-ground discrimination. In between I worked a few months with J. M. Zanker(internet-link: "http://cvs.anu.edu.au/johannes/psycomp.html") at the Research School of Biological Science in Canberra (Australia) on the perception of the regularity of shapes.

Address: Section of Visual Science, University Eye Hospital Waldhörnlestr. 22, D72072 Tübingen, Germany
Phone: (49) - 7071 - 29 81203
Fax: (49) - 7071 - 29 5568
Email: tanja.quenzer@uni-tuebingen.de(tanja.quenzer@uni-tuebingen.de)


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J. M. Zanker(http://cvs.anu.edu.au/johannes/psycomp.html)